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Where’s Lloyd? Blowing Up the Food Network, That’s Where.

The Food Network is holding a contest called The Great Food Truck Race where people from around the country vote for their favorite food truck. Well, Buffalonians love two things – Lloyd the taco truck and voting in online contests. So it should come as as no surprise that little lovable Lloyd is currently ranked #1 in the country. That’s right, just 13 months after first turning the key in the ignition, Lloyd is currently ranked America’s favorite food truck. 

They’ve overcome a blown engine. They’ve overcome a do-nothing Common Council that has refused to move forward on legislation giving food trucks the ability to actually move around the city. It’s the little taco truck that could. 
But this Food Network contest is not over. So don’t just sit around and bask in the glow of seeing Buffalo’s very own taco truck dominating every other food truck in America.  Voting continues until September 12, 2011 so we have to keep it up. You can vote up to 10 times a day online or, if you prefer, you can simply text FT182 to 66789. 
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