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Environmental Not-for-Profits Can Exhibit at Niagara Square Enviro-Fair April 20

The sixth annual Buffalo Enviro-Fair will be celebrating Earth Day with booths from area eco-organizations in front of City Hall on Friday, April 20th, with their traditional offer to not-for-profits to exhibit at no charge.

“We strive for a great, diverse Fair and don’t want any organization that legitimately is green and unable to pay for a booth to be left out of the Enviro-Fair,” stated Paul D. Maurer, Chairman of the event.
The event started in 2007 as the area was planning their first volunteer tree plantings with a visit from Al Gore at the University of Buffalo.  The first Buffalo Enviro-Fair was held before and during Gore’s speech on global warming at UB Alumni Arena.  Since then, the event has been held every year in Niagara Square.

Re-Tree WNY, an all-volunteer not-for-profit group formed to replace trees lost in the October 2006 snowstorm, put on the event then and still is the host of it five years later.

The not-for-profits at the event are supported in-part by environmentally-aware business sponsors, who are also sought for 2012’s event.  “We still have room for any environmental company that can help us to put on this large undertaking by being presenting or supporting sponsors,” said Maurer.  Sponsors benefit in a variety of ways, including mentions in advertising that promote the event, website space, exhibit space, and printed posters.

Any organization, whether a not-for-profit or potential sponsor, can contact Paul Maurer at (716) 553-4061 or email.

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